Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring

(Why we need rain.)

It’s supposed to be storming right now, heavy rain and gusty winds. The weather forecasters have been advising that we’re going to get clobbered this week. We need it. We haven't had a normal amount of rainfall in several years, but it looks like we might get it all at once. It’s a day to stay home.

Right now the sun is breaking through, the sky is dark and clouds speed by, heavy with the next round of rainstorm. They’re beautiful when they’re lit by scattered sunlight.

Early this morning I dashed out to get grocery shopping done before the worst of the rain hit. I hate trying to unload grocery bags in the rain. Later I’ll roast a chicken - there’s nothing like filling the house with good, warm cooking smells on a rainy day - and finish the marmalade I started last night. That’s what today is all about - staying cozy and capturing orange sunshine.

What makes you feel cozy in the middle of winter?

Update - Wednesday night: The rain arrived, along with wind, thunder, lightning, and now, hail. We're into the fourth storm in four days with more to come. The sky has opened ferociously.


  1. Yes, you do need a little rain. Did it come?
    A roasted chicken is a great way to warm up the home.
    I enjoy a fire and low, soft music.

  2. I do love a rainy day. I enjoy sipping hot tea, reading a book, or cooking soup - all comfort things.

    Question: You mentioned that you haven't received a normal rainfall for several years. Does your area suffer from water shortage? I've developed an interest in our global water crisis and I know that some places in the U.S. are beginning to have issues. Many water sources in other countries are literally drying up due to drought. We don't hear enough about it in the news here. Just curious.

  3. We've needed all the coziness we could find this winter...brrr! For me, warm foods (to heat me up from the inside out) and a comfortable spot with a quilt or blanket does the trick. And if not, I schedule a little close-up time with my husband and steal a little of the heat he seems to have in abundance, and then I'm cozy.

  4. Bella, we don't have a water shortage - yet - but we're aware of how much we use, partly because it's the right thing to do and partly because water is expensive here. California is a desert state, and as much as we like to think we should all have lush, green lawns, we have to come to terms with what the facts are. It's a small earth we live on and what affects one affects us all.

  5. I have plenty of opportunity to try out tecnhiques for staying cozy and warm, most of which include blankets, fleecy sweaters, and hot beverages. On occasion, the hot flashes even come in handy :)

  6. Becca, yes, the hot flashes....

  7. Just checking in with you. Miss having you around.


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