Friday, July 16, 2010

In & Out of the Garden

Once again, I have no pictures to post today. What I do have is fourteen jars of plum jam cooling on the kitchen counter. It’s the last of our plums supplemented with store bought and gift plums from a friend. It’s a little tarter (is that a word?) than usual, but I like it. A lot. It’s going to be delicious with peanut butter.

In landscaping news, our front yard is ready for planting. Now we get to do the fun part – picking out plants, laying out the garden, digging in the dirt. I’m thinking lavender, salvia, butterfly bush, yarrow. That should get us started.

There will be pictures this weekend. Stay tuned.


  1. I am looking forward to those pics. Of course, I know it will all take time to take shape. It's all a process and that's part of what makes it so much fun. You were smart to get someone else to pull everything out for you. I've found that it pays to know your limitations or what you just plain old don't want to spend your time and energy doing.

  2. Nothing like getting dirt under your fingernails! Especially, when it's planting and not weeding.


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